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2024 year, V.10, №3
Скачано: 10, размер: 2.5 MB, дата: 01 Oct. 2024

Plant genetics

Abstract: Goat’s rue is well known for its medical and fodder value, as a crop for soil biologization and biofuel production. To present moment 18 varieties of Galega orientalis Lam., that characterized by high productivity, have been developed, however there are no reliable methods of varieties and species identification. The objectives of this study were to assess the potential of SRAP markers and method of trnH–psbA spacer restriction analysis for DNA-identification the varieties and species in genera Galega. Inter-varietal and intra-varietal DNA polymorphism was estimated for Russian fodder galega varieties from State Plant Cultivar Register of Russia. A total 283 bands were amplified by eight SRAP-primer combinations, of which 105 (37.1 %) were polymorphic. The average effective number of alleles evaluated as 1.37; polymorphic information content (PIC) – 0.787; average Nei’s gene diversity (He) and Shannon’s information index (I) were 0.25 and 0.41 accordingly. Clustering of accessions by method of principal coordinates analysis (PCoA analysis) revealed three groups in dependence of origin and destination at cultivation in the different regions. DNA certificates were developed for varieties Vest and Yubilyar, which had specific amplicons with unique sizes in DNA spectrum. The genetic divergence of the variety Elya-Ti in comparison with other varieties has been demonstrated. The method of restriction analysis of DNA-barcode trnH–psbA was employed to specify this variety species affiliation. The results of the research showed the effectiveness of SRAP markers for genetic diversity evaluation and varietal DNA identification of fodder galega. The method of chloroplast DNA spacer restriction analysis is efficient approach for species discrimination in genera Galega.
Key words: Galega orientalis Lam.; genetic diversity; SRAP markers; DNA polymorphism; genetic certificate; DNA-barcoding; restriction analysis.
For citation: Klimenko I.A., Antonov A.A., Shamustakimova A.O., Zolotarev V.N. DNA-identification of Goat’s rue (Galega) varieties and species using SRAP markers and restriction analysis of trnH–psbA spacer. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2024;10(3):141-150. DOI 10.18699/letvjgb-2024-10-16 (in Russian)
Funding: This work was supported by State Budgetary Project FGGW-2022-0007.
Abstract: The resistance of the varieties of the Non-Chernozem zone against stem rust, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, is due to the adult resistance genes, which provide the long-term protection from the pathogen population represented by different virulence clones of the fungus. Using the PCR analysis method, in five varieties of spring and three varieties of winter wheat, released in the Central region of Russia, the adult plant resistant genes to P. graminis f. sp. tritici were determined Sr2, Sr15, Sr22, Sr23 и Sr57. In the genotypes of three winter wheat varieties, the adult stem rust resistant gene Sr23 was found, linked to brown rust resistance gene Lr16, which is also found in the germplasm of soft spring wheat in Western Siberia. One or two resistance genes were found in spring wheat samples: Sr2, Sr15, Sr22, Sr57. In this regard, the varieties Moskovskaya 40, Nemchinovskaya 24, Nemchinovskaya 85, Sudarinya, Zlata, Kamenka, Lyubava and Ekada in comparison with the susceptible and resistance standards, have qualities that contribute to obtaining a higher yield.
Key words: bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); resistance genes; molecular markers; stem rust.
For citation: Skolotneva E.S., Laprina Yu.V., Kiseleva M.I., Kelbin V.N., Kolomiets T.M. Identification of adult resistance Sr genes in domestic common wheat varieties using molecular markers. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2024;10(3):151-157. DOI 10.18699/letvjgb-2024-10-17 (in Russian)
Funding: Phytopathological analysis of samples was carried out with the support of budget project FGGU-2022-0008, molecular genetic studies of samples were carried out with the support of budget project FWNR-2022-0007.

Plant breeding

Abstract: One of the approaches to accelerate the breeding programs is the use of doubled haploid (DH) lines as initial genotypes. This paper describes valuable agronomic traits of the DH line 48-3, which was studied from 2016 to 2022 according to an accelerated breeding scheme, starting with the breeding nursery of the second year (BN-2), then the third (BN-3) (twice) year of study and competitive variety trial (CVT 1, CVT 2, CVT 3). As a result, based on this line, a new variety of spring bread wheat, Sigma 5, was developed in six years. In 2024, the variety was included in the State register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation in regions 9, 10 and 11. The variety Sigma 5 is middle-ripening, valuable for grain quality, high resistant to leaf-stem diseases. Resistance to stem rust is due to gene Sr31, and resistance to leaf rust and powdery mildew is due to genes Lr and Pm introgressed from Triticum dicoccoides. The variety has a high potential productivity: the average yield in the CVT for 2019–2021 was 5.57 t/ha. During the years of massive development of rust diseases (2019 and 2020), its yield was 5.76 and 6.14 t/ha, respectively, which exceeded the standard variety Duet, which was not resistant to stem rust, by 3.73 and 4.05 t/ha. The new variety exceeds the standard variety in the following parameters of grain quality: grain unit, 1000-grain weight, protein and gluten content, and flour strength.
Key words: bread spring wheat; DH line; breeding; variety; resistance; yield; grain quality.
For citation: Belan I.A., Rosseeva L.P., Blokhina N.P., Mukhina Y.V., Grigoriev Y.P., Pakhotina I.V., Meshkova L.V., Gaydar A.А., Trubacheeva N.V., Shumny V.К., Pershina L.A. Study of adaptive and agronomically important traits in the new spring bread wheat variety Sigma 5, developed on the basis of the double haploid line. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2024;10(3):158-165. DOI 10.18699/letvjgb-2024-10-18 (in Russian)
Funding: This work was supported by State Budgetary Projects FNUN-2022-0026 for the Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center and FWNR-2022-0017 for ICG SB RAS.
Abstract: In the West Siberian region, the most common diseases of durum spring wheat are: Puccinia triticina, P. graminis, Erisiphe graminis, Tilletia caries, Ustilago tritici. A comparative analysis of the lesion was carried out for the varieties Almaz, Omski rubin, Angel, Omskaya jantarnay. Some advantage of the varieties Angel, Omskaya jantarnay in terms of resistance to leaf, stem rust, powdery mildew, loose smut has been revealed. The dynamics of disease (leaf rust, stem rust, powdery mildew, bunt smut) damage is presented on the example of Almaz varieties for 1981–2022 and Omski rubin for 1984–2022; the dynamics of loose smut damage is presented for the same varieties for 1981–2012, and 1984–2012, respectively. At the same time, there is a clear tendency to increase the degree of damage for leaf and stem rust, powdery mildew, and a decrease for bunt smut. A negative relationship between the development of leaf rust and the June temperature and the sum of active temperatures was revealed. With precipitation and HTC, a positive correlation was noted in June only in the 1st decade, negative with the temperature of the 1st decade of July, 2nd decade of August. The dependence of stem rust on meteorological factors manifests itself mainly in July. The correlation is positive with precipitation, with relative humidity, with HTC and negative with the sum of effective temperatures. In August, the relationship with the air temperature and the sum of the temperatures becomes positive, and with the relative humidity of the air negative from the second decade. Bunt smut infestation is determined by meteorological conditions in May. There is negative correlation between the degree of damage and the air temperature and the sum of active temperatures; this dependence manifested itself in the 3rd decade of May. On the loose smut in May (3rd decade), there is a positive relationship with air temperature and a negative relationship with relative humidity. In June, the relationship with temperature is negative, especially in the 2nd decade, and positive with relative humidity and HTC. In the 1st decade of July (earing stage), the relationship with air temperature becomes positive and negative with relative humidity. Powdery mildew is strongly dependent on precipitation and relative humidity in June. In July, a negative relationship was observed with the air temperature and the sum of effective temperatures. In August, there was a weak positive relationship with precipitation, HTC and a negative relationship with the sum of effective temperatures. Changes in climatic conditions to some extent affected the decline in the development of bunt smut in durum wheat and the increase in damage by of powdery mildew, leaf and stem rust, loose smut.
Key words: leaf rust; stem rust; powdery mildew; bunt smut; loose smut; lesion; air temperature; precipitation; relative humidity.
For citation: Evdokimov M.G., Meshkova L.V., Yusov V.S. Dynamics of development of the main fungal diseases of durum wheat in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2024;10(3):166-176. DOI 10.18699/letvjgb-2024-10-19 (in Russian)

Research methods

Abstract: Today, it is necessary to replace consumables and reagents from manufacturers from the USA and the European Union. This work compares kits for measuring DNA concentration by fluorescence from manufacturers from the Russian Federation (Raissol Bio Spectra Q HS) and China (Vazyme Equalbit dsDNA HS) with the original kit manufactured in the USA (Invitrogen™ Qubit™ dsDNA HS). Using the above kits, the DNA concentration of 24 human peripheral blood plasma samples was measured. It was found that the absolute values of DNA concentrations determined using the three kits had statistically significant differences in pairwise comparisons. However, the highest median DNA concentration was recorded using the Raissol Bio Spectra Q HS kit (0.751 ng/µl) compared to the Vazyme Equalbit dsDNA HS (0.498 ng/µl) and Invitrogen™ Qubit™ dsDNA HS kits (0.437 ng/µl). Regression analysis revealed significant relationships between DNA concentrations measured using different kits. The highest coefficient of determination, R2= 0.93, was determined by comparing DNA concentration values measured using Invitrogen: Vazyme kits. For the remaining two pairs Invitrogen: Raissol and Vazyme: Raissol, the coefficients of determination did not exceed 0.521. Thus, the measured DNA concentrations using these kits turned out to be comparable and can be recalculated relative to each other using regression equations.
Key words: Qubit™; fluorescence DNA quantification.
For citation: Orlov P.S., Khripko O.P., Kokorina T.S., Voevoda M.I. Comparison of fluorescence DNA quantification kits at the lower limit of the measurement range. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2024;10(3):177- 181. DOI 10.18699/letvjgb-2024-10-20 (in Russian)
Funding: The study was carried out with the financial support of the state budget project FWNR-2022-0021 and the state budget project 123012700001-1.