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2021 year, V. 7, №3
Скачано: 88, размер: 2.3 MB, дата: 06 Mar. 2023


Abstract: This review is devoted to most often used DNA markers for plant and animal species identification. We considered features of their suitability, advantages and disadvantages in differentiation on close species and interspecific hybrids. Now, the most popular are methods that are based on mitochondrial and chloroplast markers, however, we made an accent to fragments of rRNA genes, because intra- and between- species diversity are more contrast for them.
Key words: species identification; COI; chloroplast genes; intergenic spacers; rRNA genes.
For citation: Vaulin O.V., Zakharov I.K. Marker sequences of DNA usage for identification of known species of plants and animals and search of new taxa. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;7(3):119-123. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ2021-7-14 (in Russian)

Physiological genetics

Abstract: Effects of mutation Agouti yellow (Aу ) linked with melanocortin type of obesity in mice on mineralocorticoid regulation mechanism and non-genomic effect of aldosterone on sodium transport were studied. Measurements of blood plasma aldosterone concentration and of expressions of mineralocorticoid receptor and alpha 1 subunit of Na,K-ATPase in cortical collecting ducts (CCD) of mice C57BL/6j-Aу /a and C57BL/6j as congenic strain did not reveal any difference. Study of expression of epithelial sodium channel alfasubunit (ENaC) that takes a part in sodium transport in principal cells of CCD have shown decreased mRNA contents of these protein in mice C57BL/6j-Aу /a. In C57BL/6j-Aу /a mice, there was no decrease in the permeability of the CCD cell plasma membrane for sodium ions under acute exposure to aldosterone (10 nM), in contrast to mice of the C57BL/6j congenic line. Based on the results of the entire study, one can suppose that the Aу mutation may affect the transport of sodium ions in CCD cells and possibly in other types of cells. These findings make actual studies of molecular mechanisms of the effects of Aу mutation on the regulation of renal function.
Key words: aldosterone; kidney; sodium transport; non-genomic effect of aldosterone; obesity.
For citation: Logvinenko N.S., Katkova L.E., Solenov E.I., Baturina G.S. Sodium transport regulation in the kidney collecting duct cells in mice with the Agouti yellow (Aу ) mutation. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;7(3):124-129. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ2021-7-18 (in Russian)

Plant genetics

Abstract: Hybridization of resistant and unstable samples is the main method of producing resistant accession of cultivated plants. At the same time, a number of additional factors are important: the direction of crosses, the morphology of plants, the year and the specific place of assessment of resistance/susceptibility. A cultivar of spring bread wheat Triticum aestivum L. Novosibirskaya 61 (breeding SRIPPB), resistant to brown rust and powdery mildew, and three susceptible samples, cultivar Skala, accession Khakasskaya (CIMMYT 2167) and spelt accession к-53660 from Tajikistan were crossed. In most variant, the F1 plants were resistant, but in the variant where Khakasskaya was used as the mother form, differences were observed: out of 21 plants, 17 plants were F1 resistant, 4 plants were susceptible. The analysis of segregation was carried out to F2 generation separately in progeny from resistant and susceptible plants of F1. Segregation analysis showed that resistance dominated the offspring from resistant plants of the F1. In the progeny from susceptible F1 plants most plants were susceptible to both diseases. The effect of leaf pubescence from the accession Khakasskaya on the degree of damage was also evaluated. This result indicates that the accession Khakasskaya is heterogeneous in cytoplasmic determinants. Pubescent plants in the F2 generation more affected by powdery mildew. Resistance to brown rust was not affected by leaf pubescence. The pubescence segregation corresponded to a digenic ratio of 13:3 for dominant epistasis. There was no significant correlation between resistant to powdery mildew and resistance brown rust. Resistance to powdery mildew and brown rust in the cultivar Novosibirskaya 61 is inherited in most cases as a dominant character.
Key words: spring bread wheat; powdery mildew; brown rust; resistance; leaf pubescence; direction of crossbreeding.
For citation: Konovalov A.A., Orlova E.A., Nemtsev B.F., Kondratenko E.Ya. Effect of leaf pubescence and direction of crossbreeding on spring bread wheat resistance to powdery mildew and brown rust. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;7(3):130-137. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ2021-7-15 (in Russian)

History of science. About outstanding works of ICG SB RAS

S.I. Oshevski How the human IFNB1 gene was synthesized at the IC&G SB AS USSR (in Russian)
Скачано: 99, размер: 3.2 MB, дата: 06 Mar. 2023
Abstract: It is viewed as in the 1980s. in the newly created laboratory of genetic engineering of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Novosibirsk), oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide derivatives were synthesized and one of the four artificial at that time largest genes in the world – the human ß-interferon gene was assembled and obtained a bacterial producer ß -interferon based on Escherichia coli. This landmark work turns 40 and occupies an important place in the history of the Institute and in the fate of the people who performed it. The work was carried out by a group of authors: V.P. Kumarev, M.I. Rivkin, N.V. Amirkhanov, L.V. Baranova, V.S. Bogachev, M.L. Kobets, S.I. Oshevski, L.V. Obukhova, V.N. Rybakov, K.D. Kuznedelov, S.I. Vershinina, V.V. Gulevich. The article is dedicated to them and, above all, to the leaders, organizers, initiators, and main performers of the unique research: Viktor Prokopyevich Kumarev and Mark Iosifovich Rivkin.
Key words: human; IFNB1 gene; producer.
For citation: Oshevski S.I. How the human IFNB1 gene was synthesized at the IC&G SB AS USSR Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;7(2):138-147. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ2021-7-16 (in Russian)

Plant breeding

For citation: Kushnirenko I.Yu. , Shamanin V.P. , Schreider E.R., Goncharov N.P., SalinaE.A., Tsygankov V.I., Zuev E.V., Morgounov A.I. Vladimir A. Tyunin and wheat breeding in the Southern Urals: In memory of plant breeder. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;7(3):148-157. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ2021-7-17 (in Russian)