N.I. Vavilov
Voyage en Afrique: Somalia. Abyssinia. Part 1 (in russian)
Скачано: 90, размер: 25.5 MB, дата: 13 Mar. 2023
Abstract: The current 2022 year is the year of the anniversary of N.I. Vavilov (1887–1943) and the 95th anniversary of his Abyssinian (Ethiopian) expedition. On their eve, the first notebook of his “Abyssinian diary”, illustrated by photographs taken by him on the expedition is published with comments in two issues of Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. At the same time, the photos are not given arbitrarily, but only where there is a reference to them in the text of the “Diary”. The dividing into two parts was caused by the limitations of the volume of issues of the journal. A part of the first notebook of “Abyssinian diary” and several pages of its third notebook were previously partially published in No. 10 of the journal Priroda (Moscow) in 1987 for the centenary of N.I. Vavilov. The introductory article gives a brief outline of the results of the Abyssinian expedition and the preparation of the Vavilov’s diary entry for publication.
Key words: history of applied botany; N.I. Vavilov; Ethiopian expedition.
For citation: Vavilov N.I. Voyage en Afrique: Somalia. Abyssinia. Part 1. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;8(1):5-83. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-01 (in Russian)
Key words: history of applied botany; N.I. Vavilov; Ethiopian expedition.
For citation: Vavilov N.I. Voyage en Afrique: Somalia. Abyssinia. Part 1. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2021;8(1):5-83. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-01 (in Russian)
Informational resources
I.I. Turnaev, D.A. Afonnikov
Information resources on crop pathogens and pests (in russian)
Скачано: 76, размер: 547.3 KB, дата: 13 Mar. 2023
Abstract: Crops are the main source of food consumed by humans. However, during cultivation, up to 40 % of all potential food production reduced due to insects, pathogens, and weeds. As a result, agricultural production decreases and millions of people face the threat of hunger. Plant-pathogen interactions are a long-standing topic of research in agricultural science, whose methods can provide effective strategies for protecting crops. T he development of effective methods inevitably re lies on gathering information about pathogen/pest-plant interactions, both at the molecular and organism levels. Internet resources in the field of pathogen-pestplant interactions contain important information for the researcher in addition to scientific articles, but they are poorly systematized. We review information resources in the Internet (databases, information portals, official sites of organizations) in the field of studying molecular mechanisms of pathogen-plant interaction and plant protection approaches. It describes (1) resources in the field of molecular biology (genomics, transcriptomics), molecular mechanisms of pathogen-plant interaction; (2) information resources on the systematics of pathogens, pests and weeds also which contain data on the manifestations of plant lesions by pathogens/pests and control measures; (3) links to Internet resources of commercial companies in the field of agro-biotechnology aimed at the control of plant pathogens/pests.
Key words: plant diseases; phytopathogens; pests; weeds; pathogen-plant interaction; databases; information resources; disease monitoring.
For citation: Turnaev I.I., Afonnikov D.A. Information resources on crop pathogens and pests. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2022;8(1):84-92. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-02 (in Russian)
Key words: plant diseases; phytopathogens; pests; weeds; pathogen-plant interaction; databases; information resources; disease monitoring.
For citation: Turnaev I.I., Afonnikov D.A. Information resources on crop pathogens and pests. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2022;8(1):84-92. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-02 (in Russian)
Genetics history
V.E. Kharchenko, S.U. Naumov
Formation of genetics in Lugansk State Agrarian University (in russian)
Скачано: 80, размер: 1.2 MB, дата: 13 Mar. 2023
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Lugansk State Agrarian University of the Lugansk State Educational Institute of Higher Education and the history of the formation of genetics at the Cheir of Plant Biology. The article cites as facts of the persecution of genetics in the 40–60s. XX century and its heyday at the beginning of the XXI century. Thanks to the leadership of Professor I.D. Sokolov, a collection of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds was created, which includes about 100 accessions mono-, di-, polymutant and transgenic lines.
Key words: genetics; Arabidopsis; mutant’s lines; Lugansk State Agrarian University.
For citation: Kharchenko V.E., Naumov S.U. Formation of genetics in Lugansk State Agrarian University. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2022;8(1):93-97. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-03 (in Russian)
Key words: genetics; Arabidopsis; mutant’s lines; Lugansk State Agrarian University.
For citation: Kharchenko V.E., Naumov S.U. Formation of genetics in Lugansk State Agrarian University. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2022;8(1):93-97. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-03 (in Russian)
Plant breeding
O.S. Afanasenko, I.B. Ablova
Outstanding scientists of Russia. Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.A. Bespalova (in russian)
Скачано: 117, размер: 2.2 MB, дата: 13 Mar. 2023
For citation: Afanasenko O.S., Ablova I.B. Outstanding scientists of Russia. Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.A. Bespalova. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2022;8(1):98-105. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-04
(in Russian)
(in Russian)
Letters to the Editor
G.I. Karlov, A.A. Soloviev
Review of V.A. Pukhalsky’s textbook «Introduction to Genetics» (in russian)
Скачано: 85, размер: 560.5 KB, дата: 13 Mar. 2023
For citation: Karlov G.I., Soloviev A.A. Review of V.A. Pukhalsky‘s textbook «Introduction to Genetics». Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2022;8(1):106-107. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2022-8-05 (in Russian)