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2023 year, V. 9, №4
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N.M. Bazhan Way to science (in Russian)
Скачано: 46, размер: 617.4 KB, дата: 14 Dec. 2023
For citation: Bazhan N.M. Way to science. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):183-184. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-20 (in Russian)

Molecular biology

Abstract: The article provides information about the contribution of Sergey I. Bazhan to the development of methods of computer modeling of complex biological systems. The chemical-kinetic method of modeling proposed in the 1970s by S.I. Bazhan and his colleague V.A. Likhoshvai during their work in State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector” proved to be an extremely successful and effective tool for studying the dynamics of complex, hierarchically organized biological systems. It represents one of the most important achievements of the Siberian school of mathematical/systems biology and bioinformatics. The concepts underlying this approach almost half a century ago still correspond to the trends of modern systems biology.
Key words: S.I. Bazhan; system biology; molecular-genetic systems; generalized chemical-kinetic method of modeling.
For citation: Kolchanov N.A., Lashin S.A., Kazantsev F.V., Matushkin Yu.G. Development of the Siberian school of mathematical (systems) biology. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):185-191. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-21 (in Russian)
Abstract: Sergey I. Bazhan started to work at “Vector” in 1975 at the personal invitation of Academician L.S. Sandakhchiev and became one of the founders of new scientific directions of the organization. Without exception, everyone, who was lucky enough to study with him, work with him, and even just meet him at scientific forums, said that Sergey Ivanovich was an extraordinary and versatile person. He was a talented scientist, author of more than 300 articles, 20 patents and a number of scientific monographs published in Russia and abroad. His scientific interests ranged from the development of mathematical models for “virus-host” systems to the study of the mechanisms of action of interferon and the mechanisms of antiviral immunity. S.I. Bazhan was one of the first scientists in the world who realized the design a series of artificial poly-CTL-epitope T-cell immunogens to create preventive vaccines against viral infections and therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of cancer. We would like to describe in this article these studies of Sergey Ivanovich, in which we were lucky enough to work with him. He was one of the first scientists in the world who realized the design a series of artificial poly-CTL-epitope T-cell immunogens to create preventive vaccines against viral infections and therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of cancer. This article is about the studies in which we were lucky enough to work together with Sergey Ivanovich.
Key words: Sergey Bazhan; vaccines against viral infections; HIV vaccine; Ebola virus; Marburg virus; flu; melanoma; mammary cancer; COVID-19.
For citation: Karpenko L.I., Ilyichev A.A. Design of artificial polyepitope T-cell immunogens for the creation of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):192- 200. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-22 (in Russian)
Acknowledgements: The work was carried out as a part of the state assignment of the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector”, Rospotrebnadzor.

Genetics of microorganisms

Abstract: Effective breeding for wheat immunity to stem rust is preceded by the study of fungal races circulating on crops in a particular region. In addition, to identify possible sources of infection, it is necessary to track the main routes of migration of pathogen spores throughout the wheat cultivation area within the same climatic zone. To speed up results and process a large sample, it is proposed to use microsatellite markers, which are an alternative to traditional phytopathological analysis of virulence genes in population. Single pustule isolates of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici from bread spring wheat of the Volga region and the сentral region of Russia were genotyped and high degree of differentiation between the pathogen populations was revealed. A scheme for diagnosing the origin of infection using a scale for the size of alleles of microsatellite markers is proposed
Key words: stem rust pathogen; microsatellite loci; soft spring wheat; Volga region; Сentral region of Russia.
For citation: Skolotneva E.S., Laprina Y.V., Baranova O.A., Kolomiets T.M., Kiseleva M.I., Kelbin V.N., Salina E.A. Characteristics of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici on bread spring wheat of the Volga region and the Central region of Russia by microsatellite loci. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):201-208. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-23 (in Russian)
Acknowledgements: Infection samples from the Central region of Russia were kindly provided by employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, infection samples from the Volga region by employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection. Certification of stem rust pathogen strains using SSR genotyping was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 23-16-00119.

Plant genetics

Abstract: The need to harvest before the onset of adverse weather conditions determines the optimal timing of flowering and maturation of cultivated plants for each geographical area. The duration of the growing season in sunflower Helianthus annuus L. depends on the variety genotype, natural and climatic growing conditions and is controlled by a complex regulatory system that includes many genes. An important role in this system is played by integrator genes that integrate various signals and, depending on the level of their expression, affect the activity of target genes that determine the processes of differentiation of certain organs and tissues. One such integrator gene is florigen FT, or flowering activator. Orthologs of the FT gene have been found in many cultivated plants, including sunflower. In addition to this gene, a number of photoperiodic regulation genes have been identified in the sunflower genome, including CONSTANS, as well as other genes and QTLs that affect flowering time. This review is devoted to a discussion of the role of various genetic loci in the determination of this trait in sunflower, as well as the search for target genes for marker-associated breeding of varieties of this crop adapted to different climatic conditions.
Key words: sunflower; growing season; timing of flowering; photoperiod; florigen; quantitative trait locus.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by budget project No. FWNR-2022-0017.
For citation: Shcherban A.B. Genetic basis for determining the flowering period in sunflower Helianthus annuus L. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):209-217. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-24 (in Russian)

Plant biotechnology

Abstract: Currently, in the breeding process associated with obtaining distant hybrids, biotechnological technics are widely used. The problem of non-development of the endosperm and death of the embryo at the early stage of embryogenesis in hybrid caryopses can be solved using the method of tissue culture. This paper presents the results of obtaining hybrids in forward and back crosses of hexaploid triticale (cultivars Orden, Sadko, and lines DT-43, Siars), common wheat – the donor of anthocyanin grain color (line i:S29PF ) and anthocyanin grain emmer (lines 27-3/17 and 31/16) using the in vitro embryo culture method. Using this method, we obtained a total of 41 F1 plants from 114 isolated explants. Fertile F2 plants were obtained from the combinations with donors of purple grain color Order × i:S29PF, i:S29PF × Order and Sadko × 27-3/17. They will be included in the breeding process in the future. Thus, biotechnological technics are of great importance in creating initial breeding material and overcoming parental incompatibility in distant crosses wheat with triticale.
Key words: bread wheat; triticale; emmer; distant hybridization; embryoculture; purple grain.
For citation: Petrash N.V., Stepochkin P.I. Development of purple-grain hybrids in distant crosses of triticale, bread wheat and emmer using the embryo culture. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):218-223. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-25 (in Russian)
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, budget project No. FWNR-2022-0037.
L.L. Vasilyeva Anniversary of Professor Lyudmila Nikolaevna Trut
Скачано: 70, размер: 1.5 MB, дата: 12 Jan. 2024
For citation: L.L. Vasilyeva. Anniversary of Professor Lyudmila Nikolaevna Trut. Pisma v Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Letters to Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2023;9(4):218-223. DOI 10.18699/LettersVJ-2023-9-26 (in Russian)